Some of us have reactive dogs or fearful dogs. They bark, they lunge, jump,snarl and hide. They carry on when they see other canines, cars, kids on bikes, strangers wearing sun glasses and baseball caps or any number of other things.
So frustrating, so embarrassing, so not fun!
Reactive dog basic training sessions we help you understand your dogs behavior and we give you the tools to manage and reduce the outburst or fearful behaviors.
Initial Reactive Private lessons consist of a trainer meeting you at your home to evaluate your companion. A trainer will work with you to structure and discuss the future training needs of your companion.
We know this can be frustrating and need a compassionate trainer to work and guide you.
Contact us at 330-896-DOGS for Reactive Rates
*Specific cases such as fears/phobias and separation anxiety will require significant dedication on the owner’s part. Multiple visits will be required from trainers to work with you to achieve success.